(858) 966-4011 chadwickcenter@rchsd.org

CPT Resources

Our multidisciplinary team (MDT), also known as the Child Protection Team (CPT) formed and began meeting weekly in 1976 to provide a centralized, coordinated and comprehensive multidisciplinary response to child abuse allegations and investigations.

The CPT includes caring and trained professionals from law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, mental health, medical, family advocacy and other CAC staff and community partners.  See our main Resources page for more information on our partnerships.

Our work is guided by the San Diego County Child Victim-Witness Protocol 2023.

Miscellaneous Information

  • If you’re a CPT partner, you can call 858-966-8951 to schedule an appointment.
  • To request a NON-urgent Forensic Interview (or paper consult), you can complete an online request instead of calling.
  • Check out the Guardify (Vidanyx) Tutorial to learn more about creating/accessing an account to view forensic interview recordings.

Child Abuse Reporting

If you are a mandated reporter, you can now submit NON-urgent reports online without needing to call the Child Abuse Hotline or submit a follow-up written report.  Mandated reporters may still call the SD County Child Abuse Hotline 24/7 to file any suspected child abuse report, urgent or non-urgent, at 858-560-2191.

To file a report with Law Enforcement, you need to call the jurisdiction where the alleged crime occurred.