(858) 966-4011 chadwickcenter@rchsd.org


The blue pinwheel is a national symbol for child abuse prevention.  Pinwheels reflect the bright future that all children deserve.  Every day as health care providers, we take steps to protect our patients from future harm, which is why April’s Child Abuse Prevention Month (CAPM) is so critical to the work that we do.

In fiscal year 2023-2024, San Diego County received 38,754 child abuse/neglect reports, which represented 67,694 local children.  Of those, 18,980 reports, including 36,255 of those children, were assigned for investigation.  There were 1,928 referrals that closed with a Substantiated Allegation on a total of 2,631 children.  More information can be found on San Diego County’s Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) website.

Learn more about National Child Abuse Prevention Month through the Child Welfare Information Gateway

Chadwick Center’s Medical Chief and Child Abuse Pediatrician, Dr. Shalon Nienow, created some helpful tips for caregivers and providers:

Check out our Facebook, X and Instagram accounts for more information throughout the month of April.

For more information or to report suspected child abuse, please call 858-560-2191. Within the state of California, you may call toll free at 1-800-344-6000. The Child Abuse Hotline is available 24/7.