(858) 966-4011 chadwickcenter@rchsd.org


The Chadwick Center is an accredited children’s advocacy center (CAC).  It is one of the largest hospital-based CACs and trauma treatment centers in the nation.  Our CAC provides family-focused and trauma-informed services to children and adolescents who may have experienced or witnessed maltreatment, abuse or violence.  We do this in a safe, child-centered environment using evidence-based practices (EBPs) to support the family to begin the healing process.

Specialized programs and services include:

  • Child Abuse Pediatrics – Provides forensic medical exams for children who may have experienced child abuse.  There is also a fellowship program for child abuse pediatrics.
  • Forensic and Supportive Services (FSS) – Provides forensic interviews, advocacy services and short-term therapy for children.
  • KidSTART Clinic – Provides comprehensive services to children ages 0-6 with complex socio-emotional, behavioral health, developmental, medical and/or family needs. Services include individual, dyadic and group therapy, case management, rehabilitation services, psychiatric evaluations and medication management.  In addition, caregiver wellness services are offered to suppport all caregivers in the child’s life.  The funding source for KidSTART Clinic requires children have Medi-Cal insurance.
  • BrightConnections Family Center – Provides clinic and community-based services during the perinatal period and to children ages 0-5 with complex socio-emotional, behavioral health, developmental, medical and/or family needs.  Services include individual, dyadic and group therapy, case management, rehabilitation services, psychiatric evaluations and medication management.  Caregiver wellness services are also provided to support all caregivers in the child’s life.  Families with private or no insurance are eligible.
  • Trauma Counseling Program (TCP) – Provides longer-term individual, group and family therapy for children their non-offending caregivers who have experienced a trauma.
  • Kids and Teens in Court (KTIC) – A 3 week psychoeducational program that empowers child victims and witnesses (and their non-offending caregivers) by increasing their understanding of the court process and  teaching coping skills.
  • Professional Education Services (PES) The Chadwick Center offers accredited Professional Education to those involved in the child abuse and trauma field.  Since beginning in 1976, the Chadwick Center has trained more than 150,000 professionals from all fifty states and over forty countries.
  • Training and Technical Assistance Initiatives – The Chadwick Center leads and participates in several initiatives funded by state and federal grants to assist professionals of various disciplines by providing tools that inform about evidence-based practices, trauma treatment in children, etc.
  • Trauma Prevention and Early Intervention initatives (Trauma PEI) – Includes grant-funded programs that support prevention and early intervention initiavites in child abuse and trauma treatment, including Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) services such as KidSTART Clinic, BrightConnections and Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP) Agency Mentorship Program (C.A.M.P).